Take the Mic

Feeling Spicy About an Issue? Tell Your Elected Officials in Person!

We need bold, courageous Republicans to Speak Up during the Citizen Comments agenda item at county meetings, city meetings, and school board meetings to tell them directly what they need to hear.
When and Where Are the Meetings?
​All public meeting agendas and minutes are available online, so follow along with those for the county, your municipality, and your school district. Also be sure to join our e-mail list, which will give you Action Alerts about public meetings with pressing issues that urgently need attendees and speakers.

What Should I Say?
​Say what’s on your mind! You know what’s at stake. You don’t have to prepare a grand speech and reading from notes is totally OK. The most important part is packing the room so they know we’re paying attention!
I’m Nervous About Attending Public Meetings. What Should I Expect?
If you’re skittish about attending public meetings, don’t worry! We absolutely understand that it can feel intimidating. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
You do not have to speak if you don’t want to. Being a part of the movement by clapping and showing support is huge (or should we say “yuge?”).
You won’t be the only one there. The meetings are often quite busy and exciting, so don’t worry about feeling awkward or alone. If you’re still unsure, bring a friend or family member. The more attendees the better!
Most people walk away feeling inspired and energized to do more! Exercising your right as a constituent to speak to your elected officials directly is an amazing feeling.