Run for Office
We Want YOU in Local Office!
If there are no freedom-loving, Constitution-following Americans willing to run for county board, city council, or school board and more, our county and country that our founding fathers poured their heart and soul into will fall into a deep dark pothole never to be seen again. Which we must never let happen.
We are always looking for Americans like YOU to STAND UP and make a difference. So, do YOU have what it takes to run for local office? Answer honestly to the following questions:
Do you have a pulse?
Do you love your county & country?
Do you love and follow the Constitution?
Do you want to make a difference in your county and country?
Do you love crushing Leftism?
If you answered yes to all of these questions, congratulations. YOU should run for office! Now don’t worry, we get it, running for office might sound a tad intimidating. Fortunately for you, the RPKC is here to answer all of your questions and assist you with everything you need to be on the ballot come election day.

How do I know if I’m qualified to run for office?
As long as you’re passionate about making a difference in your community, believe deeply in the Constitution, and don’t have any felonies on your record, you’re beyond qualified. Your prior life experiences don’t determine your ability to run for office. If you’re serious about advancing constitutional freedom and have the bold ideas needed to positively impact Kenosha County, you are exactly who we need.
Is there a lot of paperwork?
About as much a routine trip to the doctor, don’t worry, it’s not too bad.
How hard is it to get elected?
As with everything in life, there is no magic formula to success. Only hard work and perseverance. With that being said, electability comes down to several factors. Some races are highly contested compared to uncontested seats. In the end, candidates who are willing to put in the time and effort backed with a whole lot of heart and soul are the ones who always stand the best chance of winning.
What are the next steps?
Simply send us an email and let us know what race you want to run in, and why. Conversation started… boom!
Candidate Endorsements
Sometimes the pool of candidates for a given position gets REAL crowded—so how do you know who to vote for? Look for RPKC endorsements or recommendations!
The RPKC endorses candidates that we believe to be steadfast in their conservative values and deserve the office for which they are running.
We may also recommend, but not endorse, a candidate if they don’t apply for endorsement but are the better of the candidates, or if they are otherwise in the best position to further the goals of the Republican Party.
If you’re running for office, contact the RPKC to apply for endorsement!